A Legacy Notes Developer's journey into madness.

MWLUG 2015: Great Content, Less Fluff

Devin Olson  July 16 2015 05:18:12 PM
Just to be clear and so there is NO CONFUSION, MWLUG 2015 at the Ritz-Carlton in Downtown Atlanta, GA next month (August 19-21) is all about content and value and crap we YellowBleeders care about.

It is NOT and IBM Marketing event.  It is a TECHNICAL EVENT.

IBM is a huge sponsor, but so is redpill development, and so are BCC, DOCOVA, HADSL, Panagenda, PSC Group, Riva,
teamstudio, Ytria, along with all the other MWLUG 2015 Sponsors.

Without these sponsors, awesome geek-focused conferences such as MWLUG simply could not exist.  The costs putting together a decent conference at a good venue are phenomenonally high, and if the sponsors were not there with their money then the conference fee would be prohibitively expensive (take the cost of the last Lotusphere you attended and triple it).  

MWLUG is a technical content focused conference, CREATED BY YellowBleeders FOR YellowBleeders.   Quit your bitching, fork over your measly $50, and join me in Atlanta this August. I'll see you there.  


1Patrick Kwinten  07/17/2015 2:40:31 AM  MWLUG 2015: Great Content, Less Fluff

great technical conference indeed! I hope the speakers will find their way to share their presentations across the community in different forms.

Said to see The View conferences have disappeared.