Although sadly I won't be there
Since the official release of IBM Domino 10.0.1, I have been "chomping at the bit" wanting to release a set of instructions on how to install it on a Linux machine.
Domino 10 is by far the easiest and most hassle-free version I have ever installed on a Linux machine.
I have written an instructional document entitled Installing and Configuring Domino 10.0.1 on CentOS 7 Enterprise Linux. I hope it helps alleviate some of the fear and confusion with regards to using Linux as your Domino server platform. The document is aimed at YellowHeads (having some experience with Domino installations on Windows) who are thinking about stepping into the world of Linux. Even though it is aimed specifically at CentOS 7, the instructions should work for any RHEL or Debian-based (with some changes to handle DEB vs. RPM) linux version -although I must point out that the only supported Linux distributions are RHEL 7 and SLES 12.
Hope this helps!
I am so very humbled and excited to be presenting in two different sessions at engage 2018 this year. I am especially humbled to be sharing the stage with Mr. Red, Mr Pink, and Mr. Yellow.
There is a "Fantasy Casting the Live Action Archer Movie" link making the rounds on Facebook right now. I won't link to it because it is filled with spam link clickbait horseshit. If you want to find it I'm sure you are capable of doing so.
However, with the exception of a few notable disagreements (detailed below), I think it is pretty much spot on and would love to see it made.
My Casting Changes |
![]() Dr. Algernop Krieger: Michael Fassbender A character as comically insane as Krieger requires some serious dramatic acting chops. Brett Gelman is good, but I really think Fassbender would own this role. |
![]() Pam Poovey: Rebel Wilson Yes, I get that Melissa McCarthy would be able to pull off this role. But you also have to think in terms of the cast as a whole. How well would McCarthy as Pam fit in with the rest of the cast? Don't misunderstand me, I think McCarthy is friggen hilarious. But as Pam Poovey with the rest of the cast, I think Rebel Wilson would be better. And very, very funny. |
![]() Barry Dylan: Christian Slater Christian Slater is great as himself. But I really think he would be better as Barry. |
![]() Slater: Ryan Reynolds Other than Christian Slater who else could possibly play Slater? Ryan Reynolds is the obvious choice here. |
![]() Ray Gilette: Michael Cera Yes, I'm serious. Ray's whiny bitchy angry character is so far outside of anything that Cera has ever done that this would be one hell of a stretch. But I suspect Cera would be able to pull it off (phrasing!) splendidly. |
![]() Cheryl Tunt: I wouldn't say no to Krysten Ritter, she could definitely handle the character, but my first choices would be (in order) Laura Spencer, Carla Gallo, or Zooey Deschanel. |
![]() Woodhouse: I had not considered Bill Murray. He would be great in the role. Either him or John Cleese. |
![]() Sterling Archer: Zac Efron. You need somebody in great shape and believable in action sequences / fights. You need somebody who is good looking, intelligent, and really funny. You need somebody who can be simultaneously gallant and charming while performing amazing acts of douchebaggery. You need somebody who makes ladies' legs go weak. You need amazing blue eyes. And since I can't cast myself (I'm too old and fat), I give you Zac Efron. He has all of this in spades. |
Ok, who are your choices, and why? (No, it isn't likely to happen. This is just some fun Hollywood Casting)
So the other day I decided to uninstall the Facebook App from my iPhone 6. I needed to clear up some space, and I was shocked (SHOCKED! I tell you!) to discover how much space the Facebook App was using. No big deal, I uninstalled the App and everything was fine, or so I thought...
Today I tried to call my Mom, but couldn't find her entry in my Contacts. "How odd", I thought. As I was looking through my contacts I noticed that not only was her entry missing, a LOT of entries were missing. Family, friends, business associates, etc. Lots of entries were gone. There were still many other entries, but most of the ones I really cared about were gone. My wife, son, daughter, etc, all gone.
It took a bit of sleuthing to figure out what had happened, but I finally realized the thing the missing (or more importantly, the remaining) entries had in common. All of my remaining entries were for people / businesses that I did not have as a "Friend" in Facebook. Every contact that I have as a "Friend" in Facebook is gone. I can only assume that when I removed the Facebook App, it tried to "clean up" after itself and removed all of my Facebook contacts. Granted, my evidence is entirely anecdotal, but the outcome is nevertheless true. If you are a Facebook friend of mine, you can assume that I no longer have any of your contact information. No phone, no email, no pic, no home or business address. Nothing.
Does this happen to everybody when you remove the Facebook App? Is it limited only to iPhone users, or does it happen to Android and Windows Mobile Devices? Will similar things happen if I uninstall other "Social" Apps (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc)? Frankly, I don't care, and I'm not willing to invest the time to investigate it. I am frustrated that this happened, but the truth is I should have backed everything up BEFORE removing the Facebook App.
That being said, here is the really important bit: If YOU are (or have ever been) a friend of mine on Facebook, you can assume that I NO LONGER have your contact information. It doesn't matter how close we are, your contact information is GONE (Remember, I lost the information for my MOM, my WIFE, and ,my CHILDREN.) If you want me to have your contact information, PLEASE email it to me. If you don't have my email address, you can easily get it by clicking on the about & contact info link over on the right. Send me whatever contact info you want me to have (email, address, phone, NAME, etc.) I won't share it, I'm not using it for marketing purposes, this is just so I can get in touch with you, call you, send you stuff in the mail, etc.
I presented a SpeedGeeking session at IBM Connect 2016 entitled "Thanks Apple! Correcting Image Orientation Using Open Source Tools".
My slides for the session are here: SpeedGeeking_Image_Orientation.pdf
Just to be clear and so there is NO CONFUSION, MWLUG 2015 at the Ritz-Carlton in Downtown Atlanta, GA next month (August 19-21) is all about content and value and crap we YellowBleeders care about.
IBM is a huge sponsor, but so is redpill development, and so are BCC, DOCOVA, HADSL, Panagenda, PSC Group, Riva, teamstudio, Ytria, along with all the other MWLUG 2015 Sponsors.
Without these sponsors, awesome geek-focused conferences such as MWLUG simply could not exist. The costs putting together a decent conference at a good venue are phenomenonally high, and if the sponsors were not there with their money then the conference fee would be prohibitively expensive (take the cost of the last Lotusphere you attended and triple it).
MWLUG is a technical content focused conference, CREATED BY YellowBleeders FOR YellowBleeders. Quit your bitching, fork over your measly $50, and join me in Atlanta this August. I'll see you there.