
Installing and Configuring Domino 10.1 on CentOS 7

Category IBM Domino CentOS Linux Admin Articles Technical

Just in time for Engage!

Although sadly I won't be there

Since the official release of IBM Domino 10.0.1, I have been "chomping at the bit" wanting to release a set of instructions on how to install it on a Linux machine.

Domino 10 is by far the easiest and most hassle-free version I have ever installed on a Linux machine.

I have written an instructional document entitled Installing and Configuring Domino 10.0.1 on CentOS 7 Enterprise Linux. I hope it helps alleviate some of the fear and confusion with regards to using Linux as your Domino server platform. The document is aimed at YellowHeads (having some experience with Domino installations on Windows) who are thinking about stepping into the world of Linux. Even though it is aimed specifically at CentOS 7, the instructions should work for any RHEL or Debian-based (with some changes to handle DEB vs. RPM) linux version -although I must point out that the only supported Linux distributions are RHEL 7 and SLES 12.

Hope this helps!



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